21 BRIDGES: First Look at New Film Starring Chadwick Boseman, Alexander Siddig
STX just released the first trailer for 21 Bridges, starring Chadwick Boseman (you know him as T’Challa), and it looks intense! Boseman plays a legacy cop – his father died in the line of duty – in Manhattan who is confronted with a pair of cop killers running rampant across the island. To catch them, he proposes cutting off access to and from Manhattan, including all 21 bridges. But as the night progresses and Boseman’s team gets closer to catching the killers, they uncover something even more sinister. Alexander Siddig pops up as a mysterious, foreign…banker? Conspiracy expert? Check him out at the 1:35 mark in his silk robe and posh accent.
The movie is Marvel heavy between Boseman as the lead and the Russo Brothers directing. The action scenes should be terrific! 21 Bridges is listed as “coming soon” for now. We’ll let you know as soon as a date is announced.
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