Sid City Goes to Destination Star Trek
We’re going to London! Sort of!
Destination Star Trek is happening in London November 12-14 and the Sid City Social Club will be there in person and in spirit. We have two official activities planned plus a screening for attendees.
Sid City Social Club Hybrid Meeting
Friday, November 12 @ 3:00 p.m. Eastern / 8:00 p.m. GMT
Our usual Friday social club meeting is going hybrid! Like we did during the Las Vegas convention in August, we’ll be hosting an in-person meetup for folks in London alongside our usual Zoom meeting. Siddig does expect to Zoom in from Australia and we are working on bringing in some special guests to the in-person venue.
SID CITY SOCIAL CLUB: How Alexander Siddig and the Fan Community Changed Lives in the Pandemic
Saturday, November 13 @ 9:30 a.m. GMT
This panel takes place on the Voyager stage and includes SCSC members Rob Moriarty, Colin Kerrigan, Mallory Knipe, and special guests Andrew Robinson and Nana Visitor. Siddig and Mel will appear via the magic of technology. While this panel is for in-person attendees, we have permission to record and share it with the social club later.
“A Sense of You with Alexander Siddig”
Saturday, November 13 @ 12:10 p.m. GMT
Colin Kerrigan is screening an episode of his proposed game show, “A Sense of You”, in the DSTL screening room on Saturday. This is Siddig’s episode which we showed in the social club earlier this year. If you missed it before, we highly recommend checking it out while you’re at the con!
NOTE: Alexander Siddig will not be at DSTL in person because he is still in Australia.