Introducing the Sid City Social Club Holiday Collection
Hey Socialites and Sidsters, you may have noticed that the Sid City Shop went MIA there for a bit. Long story short, the printer we were working with had to replace their equipment, delaying orders for several weeks, plus we could never find a good, cost-effective solution for international shipping. So we wished each other well and parted ways.
After much research and feedback, we’ve partnered with Red Bubble which offers a wide range of items and sizes with the best international shipping rates we could find.
Just in time for the holidays, we are delighted to introduce the Sid City Social Club Holiday Collection!
The Collection
Recognizing that we don’t all celebrate the same way (or the same thing), we commissioned three designs that reflect the diversity of social club members. This limited-edition collection will be available until January 15, 2021.
Festive Trees is a traditional red and white design on a green background featuring evergreen trees and poinsettias.
Snow is a light blue and white design on a navy blue background featuring happy little snowpeople frolicking among the winter trees.
Candles is a white silver, gold, and white design on a bright blue background featuring candles shining in the night.
December Beneficiary
As before, we will be donating proceeds from sales of this collection to a nonprofit organization. Social club member Dan M. won our first drawing for a t-shirt and the honor of choosing our December beneficiary.
The Community House, located in Hinsdale, Illinois, has been serving the surrounding community for almost 80 years. During the course of a normal year, The Community House provides social services such as counseling as well as a variety of programs in the arts, theater, fitness, athletics, education, group outings, special events, adult programming and fitness, and senior services to more than 10,000 individuals.
Proceeds from sales of the Sid City Social Club Holiday Collection will be donated to The Community House to support the work they’re doing.
UPDATED 01.15.2021: We donated $150 to The Community House from sales of this collection. Way to go, Socialites!
(Once you receive your merch, take a pic and post it to social media tagging @sidcityonline so we can see!)
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