Star Trek Las Vegas: Oodles of Photos of Sid + Andy Robinson, Chase Masterson, More
This post is very late coming, and for that I apologize! I actually attended STLV this year, my first time ever, and fully intended to post a report and photos as soon as I returned home. Alas, life. But my lack of timely posts is actually a benefit because now I also get to share a slew of photos from the lovely Peggy Stewart!
Sid was part of a DS9 Q&A panel on Sunday morning of the convention. He was joined on stage by fellow DS9’ers Andrew Robinson, Chase Masterson, Marc Alaimo, and Casey Biggs. With that many people on stage, and just an hour to talk, we didn’t hear a lot from any one person. The moderator kept the conversation flowing, asking Sid about Game of Thrones (he couldn’t reveal anything from season 6, other than that Prince Doran will be there), and questioning the other guests about their current projects.
During the audience Q&A, fans asked Sid questions about how many people Bashir kissed (“Uh…three?” “I counted six.” “Bashir was desperate. And forgetful.”) and whether the rumor that Sid’s uncle, Malcolm McDowell, was interested in guest starring on DS9 but only if Sid directed the episode (“Wow. No. I’ve never heard that one before, but…no.”).
Autograph signings followed the Q&A, with the guests seated at tables on either side of the stage. In a first from my experience, they signed while other people were on stage for their panels. The lights were lowered in the ballroom with each guest given a small lamp so they could see what they were signing. Fans weren’t allowed to take photos, but I took a few from my vantage point assisting at Sid’s table. The man signed for two solid hours, smiling and conversing with the last person in line just a genuinely as he did with the first. That’s a rare talent!
Below are photos of Sid and the other DS9 folks on stage, courtesy of Peggy, along with a few from the autograph session. Enjoy!