A Couple of Positive Comments About Sid in the ATLANTIS Finale
WARNING: Minor spoilers for US viewers!
The first season of Atlantis recently wrapped up in the UK, and reviews of the season 1 finale overall were mixed. However, Sid’s role as King Minos was pretty much universally praised. Here are a few comments from reviewers:
Den of Geek: “With only a few moments of dialogue, Alexander Siddig puts in a beautifully regal performance. His condemnation of Pasiphae’s actions drip with royal poise, without tipping over into melodrama. His performance, very much like Parish’s, commands the screen.”
Yahoo! TV UK: “That wasn’t the only dramatic moment however as Alexander Siddig delivered some scene commanding moments as healthy King Minos thanks to the actions of Juliet Stevenson’s Oracle.”
Atlantis season 1 is currently airing in the US; season 2 is likely to begin filming this summer with a late autumn/winter start date in the UK.