Alexander Siddig: “I lost every one of my fights” in INESCAPABLE
Inescapable is the most action-heavy role of Alexander Siddig’s career, a challenge he enjoyed although, as he tells the National Post, he did have to make it look realistic:
He also performed his own fight sequences, but balked when the fight choreographer tried to compose a series of moves.
“Look, I’m a 46-year-old man. I can look after myself but if I meet another young man like [co-star] Saab Siddiqui, who is a huge man who’s done martial arts, he’s going to kill me after 30 seconds,” Siddiq says. “We threw out the rule book on stunt fights. [The stuntman said,] ‘OK, well, you go in hard and fast. You find whatever you can find, you hit him over the head and you hope for the best.”
“And that’s what we did. We fight twice and he wins twice. I lost every one of my fights,” the actor says.
“It’s kind of anti-action picture in the sense that the hero is so not heroic except for his will to succeed and his will to succeed is so strong and astonishing. And that’s what you want from your dad.”
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